Portal for citizens and business customers

Frequently asked questions about the citizen account

Here, you have an overview of the citizen account in the portal for citizens and business customers.

Which access methods are available?

The following access methods:

  • identity card (new identity card or electronic residence permit), or
  • email and password

may be selected.

In order to be able to use all services in full in the portal for citizens and business customers, it is recommended that you access the portal using ELSTER or your identity card.

In order to be able to identify yourself digitally with ELSTER, you are required to have registered with "My ELSTER" first (www.elster.de).

If you would like to activate your new identity card or electronic residence permit to use the online identity card function, you can do this at the local citizens office (Bürgeramt).
Here you will find further information: identity card or electronic residence permit with online identification function.

The use of electronic certificates serves to protect your identity on the internet.

How do I replace my access method?

You have already created a citizen account and you need to change one of the access methods stored, e.g. you have received a new ELSTER certificate or identity card.

Log in with email and password

Please log in to the portal for citizens and business customers via the home page using your email and password as the access method. If you have forgotten your password, you can create a new password here using the “Forgotten your password?” function.

Select and replace the access method

In the next step, select the “Access methods” menu item in the “Account” section.
Here you will find an overview of the access methods you have stored. Select the access method to be replaced and start the process to replace the access method via the “Replace” button.

Please note: If you have not yet stored the corresponding access method, you will see the “Add” button instead.

After clicking on the “Replace” button, you will be redirected to the page of the respective access method’s provider (e.g. ELSTER) and you will be asked to enter the access method. Please follow the instructions from the provider of the access method. At the end of the process, you will be automatically redirected to the portal for citizens and business customers.

If personal details, such as address or name, has changed in the new access method, a check will first be carried out.
Until the check is through, you will only be able to use your old access method. The status of the check can be found in the operations overview at any time. You will be informed of the completion of the check by in-box message.

Use of the new access method

Once the new access method has been added and/or the check has been successfully completed, the new access method will be displayed in the ac-cess methods overview with the it was replaced.

You can now use the new access method to log in to the portal for citizens and business customers.

Please note: Once the access method has been replaced, the old access method can no longer be used to log in to the portal for citizens and business customers.

What do I need to use the service in question?

There are different conditions for access to the services offered. The conditions for access are listed below.

ServiceAccess method
Agricultural diesel tax relief
  • ELSTER or
  • identity card
Application for administrative action liable to customs costs
  • ELSTER or
  • identity card
Applications to register a licensed distillery
  • ELSTER or
  • identity card
Binding tariff information (BTI)
  • ELSTER or
  • identity card

+ valid EORI No
+ Consent to the communication of notices in electronic form

  • ELSTER or
  • identity card
Deferment of enforcement
  • ELSTER or
  • identity card
Energy and electricity tax (further applications)
  • ELSTER or
  • identity card
Energy and electricity tax (IVVA)
  • ELSTER or
  • identity card
EORI number management
  • ELSTER or
  • identity card
Industrial property rights (ZGR-online)
  • ELSTER or
  • identity card
Motor vehicle tax
  • ELSTER or
  • identity card
Movement of excise goods
  • ELSTER or
  • identity card
  • ELSTER or
  • identity card
Other tax application and communications
  • ELSTER or
  • identity card
Recording of tax concessions pursuant to EnSTransV
  • ELSTER or
  • identity card
Remission/reimbursement of tax on grounds of equity
  • ELSTER or
  • identity card
Tax representative
  • ELSTER or
  • identity card
Taxes on luxury foodstuffs - Permits
  • ELSTER or
  • identity card

Can I create a citizen’s account as a sole proprietorship, a freelancer or registered merchant (eingetragener Kaufmann - e.K.)?

A citizen’s account is reserved exclusively for private persons. Therefore, as a sole proprietorship, freelancer, registered merchant (eingetragener Kaufmann - e.K.), you need a business customer account in the portal for citizens and business customers.
For more information on registering as a sole proprietorship or freelancer, see the help section: Registration as a business customer.

Problems with registration

Why has my registration been aborted?

The following reason causes registration to be aborted:

Identity card without an addressIf you register on the portal for citizens and business customers using an identity card/electronic residence permit without an address, the registration process will be aborted. You will then be directed to the login screen.Please have your address added to your identity card or use an access method that contains an address. You will then start the registration process from the beginning.

Any further questions?

If you have any further questions on this subject, please use our contact page.

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