Customs portal

Problems with registration

Why do I receive an error message when I try to register?

An error may occur in some cases during registration (see the following figure).

Error message during registration Error message during registration

If you see the error page, please proceed as follows:

  • Create a screenshot of the error page including the reference code.
  • Please send us the screenshot as well as the specific time of the error by email to the Customs Service Desk to generate an error ticket.

We will then contact you promptly with a possible solution to the problem.

Why has my registration been aborted?

The presence of one of the following factors results in the termination of the registration process:

ELSTER access method - data different from commercial register data (business customer account)

In your registration, you used the ELSTER access method and consented to the transfer of the data stored at your local tax office concerning your tax number. However, the following information provided does not correspond to the data in your commercial register entry:

  • Name of company
  • Business address

The transfer of erroneous data can lead to problems in customs clearance.

Please arrange for the information to be adjusted directly with your local tax office.

Please note that you do not need to make any changes to the profile of your ELSTER user account (ELSTER certificate).
For registration on the portal for citizens and business customers, the required information is taken from the tax office's database.
Changing the profile of your ELSTER user account does not solve this problem.

Once the data has been updated at the tax office, you can continue the registration process on the portal for citizens and business customers. Please note that the transmission of data can take a few days.

Why I am being notified that my access method has not registered?

You can only log in with a specific access method if you either used it when registering your account or subsequently stored it in your already created account.

If you have created a business customer account with only email and password as means of access and want to log in with ELSTER in the future, please note the following steps:

  • Please log in with your email and password in the portal for citizens and business customers and navigate to the "Access method" in the main menu item "Account". On the access methods page, you can add ELSTER as an access method.
  • Please note that companies require an ELSTER account, which is registered with ELSTER on the basis of your organisation’s tax number. More information on ELSTER can be found online at:

After your data has been checked, ELSTER is stored as the access method and you can use ELSTER as the access method.

If you used ELSTER to register and you received the error message that the access method is not registered, please contact the Customs Service Desk (Service Desk Zoll).
Please prepare a screenshot with the error message for the staff of the Customs Service Desk.
Please also state the time of the error message and which internet browser you used. If possible, please add a screenshot of the transfer of data.

Any further questions?

If you have any further questions on this subject, please use our contact page.

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