Customs portal

Language settings / Languages

Here you will find help for the "Language settings" in the Customs Portal.

Language settings

The Customs Portal is displayed in German and English. You can change the displayed language of the Customs Portal by clicking on the desired language at the top of the page (e.g. German or English). The selection is valid until you sign in again to the Customs Portal.

Support in selecting the language in the portal for citizens and business customers -Source Source: Zoll

We ask for your understanding that currently not all contents of the Customs Portal can be displayed completely in the selected language and that some contents have to be displayed in German for legal reasons. We are working on expanding the range of foreign languages on offer.

Change the language setting permanently

To change the language setting permanently, please select the menu item "Portal account" from the navigation menu and then "Settings". In the area "Settings" you can change the displayed language and save it permanently.

Change language selection in personal settings

Here you will find further information on personal settings: Settings

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