Bürger- und Geschäftskundenportal Zoll

Text entry in the application

General information

This section outlines which information has to be entered in the text fields of the application.

Step 1: In which capacity are you filling out this application?

You may select among the following: applicant, direct representative, indirect representative.

Overview of each form of representation:

Indirect representation: The representative (customs agent, freight forwarder; e.g. parcel service, etc.) acts in their own name and on behalf of the represented party (importer or principal). The representative is therefore also responsible for all legal effects and becomes a customs and duty debtor, alongside the represented party. This case occurs, for example, when a company based outside the EU sends goods to a buyer in the EU and, with the option of carriage-free delivery, pays the duty and taxes. As the company is established outside the EU, and therefore is not established in the customs territory of the EU, it cannot lodge a customs declaration in its own name (Article 170(2) UCC). Direct representation is therefore not possible in this case. The indirect representative then lodges the customs declaration in his own name and becomes a customs debtor. They also become the holder of the BTI.

Direct representation: The representative (e.g. customs agent, freight forwarder; e.g. parcel service provider, tax adviser, etc.) acts in the name and on behalf of the represented party (importer). All legal effects (e.g. import duty debt) are therefore borne only by the party represented and not by the representative.

Box 1: Applicant (mandatory)

Binding tariff information description of application box number 1: Applicant Quelle: Zoll

The applicant is the person who applies to the customs authorities for a BTI or in whose name an application has been made.

In the event that “applicant” or “indirect representative” is selected in step 1

  • The fields: EORI number, abbreviated designation of company, street name and number, postcode, place, country are filled in with your existing data in each case.
  • The validity of the EORI number is checked by the system.

In the event that “direct representative” is selected in step 1

  • Enter the EORI number of the company to be represented.
  • The fields: EORI number, abbreviated designation of company, street name and number, postcode, place, country of field 3 (representative) are filled in with your existing data in each case.
  • The validity of the EORI number is checked by the system.

Box 2: Place where the applicant's main accounts for customs purposes are held or accessible (confidential) (hidden)

Data is filled from the master data in each case.

Box 3: Customs representative (partially hidden)

Binding tariff information description of application box number 3: Representative Quelle: Zoll

This field (representative) only appears if “direct representative” was selected in step 1.

The fields: EORI number, abbreviated designation of company, street name and number, postcode, place, country of field 3 (representative) are filled in with your existing data in each case.

The validity of the EORI number is checked by the system..

* Persons who fail to state that they are acting as a customs representative or who state that they are acting as a customs representative without being empowered to do so shall be deemed to be acting in their own name and on their own behalf.

Box 4: Contact person (mandatory)

Binding tariff information description of application box number 4: Contact person Quelle: Zoll

• Name: 1 line (max. 70 characters);
• Phone number: 1 line (max. 16 characters);
• Fax number: 1 line (max. 16 characters);
• Email address: 1 line (max. 50 characters).

Box 5: Reissue of a BTI decision (mandatory)

Binding tariff information description of application box number 5: Reissue of a BTI decision Quelle: Zoll

BTI decisions are valid for a period of three years. Fill in this field when the validity period of a BTI issued to you has expired or is about to expire (no more than 3 months before the expiry date of the BTI) and you want the renewal of the BTI that has become or will become invalid; otherwise, please select NO.

Please enter the reference number of the BTI decision that has become or will become invalid: 1 line (max. 29 characters)

The fields: validity, customs nomenclature and nomenclature code are filled in automatically when the BTI, which has become or will become invalid, is correctly entered.

Box 6: Type of transaction (mandatory)

Binding tariff information description of application box number 6: Type of transaction Quelle: Zoll

Please specify the envisaged customs procedure (free circulation (import transaction), special procedure, export transaction) for which the BTI decision is intended to be used for.

Only one customs procedure may be specified for each application.

If “special procedure” is specified, the type (transit, storage, specific use, processing) also has to be indicated.

Box 7: Customs Nomenclature (mandatory)

Binding tariff information description of application box number 7: Customs nomenclature and proposed classification Quelle: Zoll

Please indicate in which nomenclature the goods are to be classified. If the nomenclature is not one of those listed, specify the nomenclature concerned. Please note that BTI decisions can only refer to a nomenclature based on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS). Please select one of the three options provided. The type of code determines the length of the commodity code contained in the BTI.

The customs tariff of the European Union builds on the nomenclature of the Harmonised System (HS) and becomes the Combined Nomenclature (CN; 8 digits) by adding two digits to the HS code (6 digits). In order to take account of specific tariff measures, the CN becomes the integrated tariff (TARIC; 10 digits) by adding two digits.

To account for distinctions made on the national level, the ten-digit TARIC code may be extended by adding one to four additional digits (national code(s)). In the Federal Republic of Germany, one digit is used for such distinctions on the national level and, as a result, a “complete” code number has 11 digits. In the latter case, tick the selection “Other” and enter the “complete” code number.

As there are frequent changes in TARIC, BTIs may only have a short period of validity.

The same applies to BTIs with a complete code number.

Box 8: Nomenclature code

Binding tariff information description of application box number 8: Nomenclature code Quelle: Zoll

Please indicate the customs nomenclature code under which you expect the goods to be classified (max. 22 characters). (In the case of CN: 8 digits, TARIC: 10 digits).

If the goods subject to examination, or similar goods, have already been imported or exported, please enter here the commodity code that the goods have been assigned (see box 33 of the Single Administrative Document).

If the goods have not yet been imported, please indicate the commodity code you consider to be applicable to the goods.

Box 9: Description of goods (mandatory)

Binding tariff information description of application box number 9: Description of the goods Quelle: Zoll

Please provide a detailed description of the goods permitting their identification and the determination of their classification in the customs nomenclature. This should also include details of the composition of the goods and any methods of examination used for its determination where the classification depends on it. You can enter text freely in this field (max. 2,560 characters).

Please specify e.g. the components, manufacturing process, intended use and commercial name of the goods. Information on the article or model number is useful for identifying the goods. In the case of sets of goods, please describe the presentation or packaging and indicate the proportions by value. Any details that the applicant considers to be confidential should be entered in Box 10.

Box 10: Commercial denomination

Binding tariff information description of application box number 10: Commercial denomination and additional information Quelle: Zoll

Please include any particulars that the applicant wishes to be treated as confidential, such as the trademark, model numbers of the goods, etc. – you can enter text freely in this field (max. 2,560 characters).

Where the commercial denomination, the article number or any other description of the goods is to be kept confidential, such particulars have to be entered only in this box. This is where it should be indicated that the applicant wishes the results of an examination carried out, or an added image, to be classified as confidential.

Box 11: Annexes relevant to the classification of goods

Binding tariff information description of application box number 11: Annexes relevant to the classification of goods Quelle: Zoll

Please indicate whether you are providing any samples, photographs, brochures or other documents, which may assist the customs authorities in processing this application, by ticking the appropriate box(es). Please also indicate how the applicant wishes the samples to be handled afterwards.

You may add annexes to your application here. Only one file can be uploaded for each attachment. If you want to upload another file as an attachment, you must first create a new attachment field using the "Add attachment" button. You can upload the next file there. For each added annex, please indicate whether it will be transmitted electronically or sent by post, and whether it should be kept confidential. Permissible file formats for the electronic transmission of such additional annexes are JPEG and PDF. In order to comply with accessibility requirements, descriptions of these additional annexes must be given in the corresponding field provided. Up to 99 additional annexes can be added to a single application.

A maximum of 70 characters can be used for the file name.

Box 12: Other BTI applications and other BTIs held

Binding tariff information description of application box number 12: Other BTI applications and other BTIs held Quelle: Zoll

This is where you are asked to provide information on other BTI applications submitted by the holder for the same or similar goods at another customs office or in another Member State, as well as information on BTIs already issued to the holder for the same or similar goods. If you select “yes”, the following information has to be completed:

Mandatory part:

• BTI decision reference number (max. 1 line (max. 29 characters))

• Country of application: Enter the ISO Code of the country where the application was submitted (2 characters)
Please use the corresponding two-character country designation. AT = Austria; BE = Belgium; BG = Bulgaria; CZ = Czech Republic; CY = Cyprus; DE = Germany; DK = Denmark; EE = Estonia; ES = Spain; FI = Finland; FR = France; GB = United Kingdom; GR = Greece; HR = Croatia; HU = Hungary; IE = Ireland; IT = Italy; LT = Lithuania; LU = Luxembourg; LV = Latvia; MT = Malta; NL = Netherlands; PL = Poland; PT = Portugal; RO = Romania; SE = Sweden; SL = Slovenia; SK = Slovakia

• Place of application: Enter the name of the customs office (max. 35 characters)

• Date of application: Year with four digits, month and day with two digits. DD.MM.YYYY

Enter the BTI number. The first two characters represent the ISO code of the country where the BTI was issued, the remaining characters represent the number assigned by the competent customs authorities.

The fields Start of validity of the decision and Nomenclature code are filled in automatically when the reference number of the BTI decision is correctly entered

Box 13: BTI decisions issued to other holders (mandatory)

Binding tariff information description of application box number 13: BTI decisions issued to other holders Quelle: Zoll

Please specify here if, to your knowledge, a BTI has already been issued to other holders for the same or similar goods. Use a separate sheet of paper if more space is required. Please indicate by ticking the appropriate box if you have knowledge of other BTIs. If you selected “yes”, you have to provide the following information.

• BTI decision reference number (max. 1 line (max. 29 characters))

Enter the BTI number.
The first two characters represent the ISO code of the country where the BTI was issued, the remaining characters represent the number assigned by the competent customs authorities.

The fields Start of validity of the decision and Nomenclature code are filled in automatically when the reference number of the BTI is correctly entered.

Box 14: Are you aware of any legal or administrative proceedings concerning tariff classification pending within the EU, or a court ruling on tariff classification already handed down within the EU, relating to the goods described in boxes 9 and 10? (mandatory)

Binding tariff information description of application box number 14: Legal or administrative proceedings Quelle: Zoll

Please provide specific details here if, to your knowledge, legal or administrative proceedings are/were pending, concerning the goods for which you are applying for a BTI. If you selected “yes”, you are required to provide the following information.

• Country of the ongoing proceedings: Please use the corresponding two-character country designation.
AT = Austria; BE = Belgium; BG = Bulgaria; CZ = Czech Republic; CY = Cyprus; DE = Germany; DK = Denmark; EE = Estonia; ES = Spain; FI = Finland; FR = France; GB = United Kingdom; GR = Greece; HR = Croatia; HU = Hungary; IE = Ireland; IT = Italy; LT = Lithuania; LU = Luxembourg; LV = Latvia; MT = Malta; NL = Netherlands; PL = Poland; PT = Portugal; RO = Romania; SE = Sweden; SL = Slovenia; SK = Slovakia

• Reference no. of the proceedings: Please enter the reference no. of the proceedings (max. 512 characters)

• Name of the court: Please provide the exact name of the court. 1 line (max. 70 characters)

• Address of the court: Please provide the exact address of the court: street name and number (max. 70 characters), postcode (max. 9 characters), place (max. 35 characters)

• Country in which the court is located: Please use the corresponding two-character country designation.
AT = Austria; BE = Belgium; BG = Bulgaria; CZ = Czech Republic; CY = Cyprus; DE = Germany; DK = Denmark; EE = Estonia; ES = Spain; FI = Finland; FR = France; GB = United Kingdom; GR = Greece; HR = Croatia; HU = Hungary; IE = Ireland; IT = Italy; LT = Lithuania; LU = Luxembourg; LV = Latvia; MT = Malta; NL = Netherlands; PL = Poland; PT = Portugal; RO = Romania; SE = Sweden; SL = Slovenia; SK = Slovakia

Box 15: Date and Authentication

Binding tariff information description of application box number 15: Date and authentication Quelle: Zoll

The current date is automatically inserted in the date of application. Please confirm that you have read the text "Important information" by ticking the box.

Box 16: Additional information

Binding tariff information description of application box number 16: Additional information Quelle: Zoll

Additional information on the application, which is not directly related to the classification of the goods (max. 512 characters), can be provided here.

Box 17: Other annexes, which are not related to the classification of the goods

Binding tariff information description of application box number 17: Other annexes, which are not related to the classification of the goods Quelle: Zoll

Here, you may add annexes to your application that do not relate to the classification of the goods in the customs nomenclature. Permissible file formats for the electronic transmission of any other annexes are JPEG and PDF. In order to comply with accessibility requirements, descriptions of these additional annexes must be given in the corresponding field provided (max. 2560 characters). Up to 99 additional annexes can be added to a single application.

• Box - Document type: Please specify the type of document (e.g. letter of authorisation) (max. 70 characters).

• Box - Document reference: A designation or reference number of the annex has to be entered here (max. 35 characters).

• Box - Document date: Please enter the date of issue of the document, if one is provided (DD.MM.YYYY)

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