Bürger- und Geschäftskundenportal Zoll

Upload of documents

Here you will find help on uploading documents on the Customs Portal.

What does the document upload function include?

The Customs Portal also makes it possible to submit missing documents relating to an existing application process upon request online.

How can the document upload function be used?

The office responsible for processing your application will first send you a request to submit missing documents in the form of a message to your inbox on the Customs Portal. The upload section of the Customs Portal will then be activated for you. You can access the upload section of the Customs Portal directly through the inbox message or alternatively in your operations overview in the "Action" column of the relevant operation. The list of missing documents is included in the inbox message and can be found in the information displayed in the upload section of the Customs Portal.

What are the requirements for the upload of files?

The current list of permitted file formats and the maximum total size per upload is displayed in the upload section of the Customs Portal.

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